Based on the latest estimates by INC, global production of dried figs has decreased about 3% to 142,500 tons. Turkey’s, the biggest producer, harvest has decreased about 12% to 75,000 tons. Despite this, Turkey accounted for more than half of all global production. In Turkey, the financial markets and volatile lira dominate the price forming process of export commodities, including hazelnuts and dried figs.
Based on recent reports, the farmgate prices for small fig varieties, which were at 16-17 lira/kg at the beginning of the season, have increased to 27-28 lira/kg. Meanwhile, the large fig varieties are at 40-45 lira/kg. The export price for, Lerida no 2 dried figs remains unchanged at about $7/kg F.O.B. basis.
Dried figs, Turkey
Lerida, #1 @ $7.45
Lerida, #2 @ $7
Lerida, #3 @ $6.4
Lerida, #4 @ $6