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Turkish Dried Fruits Market Update

DRIED APRICOTS: Apricot trees in Turkey have bloomed 10 days earlier than usual due to warm temperatures, but there is a risk of damage from extensive raining & frost that is predicted to occur in Malatya (significantly affected by tragic earthquakes). Due to the adverse weather conditions, exporters are not making new offers and prices remain at last week's levels. Frost did occur, but the resulting damage seems to be moderate, leading to slight price increases in commodity and export prices. The crop 2022 export volumes now are about 3.7% lower now compared to the 2021 crop volumes. The frost damage evaluation should finish in the coming few weeks.

SMYRNA FIGS: The weather in the Turkish fig growing Aegean region of Aydin is favourable for the crop, and farmgate prices for dried figs remain stable. However, there were unexpected massive price corrections in the export market as growers sold off their supplies.

Exports of dried figs and its products to the US & the Far East have increased, while shipments to Europe remain stable. Thus far, the total export volume of 49,144 mt since the beginning of the season represents about 5% increase compared to last year.

SULTANAS: Parts of Turkish Aegean growing region of Manisa suffered frost damage, and the extent of the damage is currently being assessed. Market players are cautious. While some expect prices to rise, many prefer to wait until the extent of the damage is known before making any price adjustments. Trading activity is low, and shipments primarily take place from existing contracts. Exports since the beginning of the season are only slightly higher than last year's value.

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